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Exchanges & Foreign Licences FAQ's

When will these changes take effect?

Operating hours at the affected sites changed the week of August 4, 2020. Locations that were permanently closed will display signage, where possible, indicating the nearest DriveTest location and additional contact information (e.g. or by calling 1-888-570-6110)

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Which DriveTest Centres experienced hours of operation changes?

New hours of operation are in effect for the following 17 DriveTest Centres: Bancroft, Brockville, Dryden, Espanola, Fort Frances, Huntsville, Kapuskasing, Kenora, Kirkland Lake, New Liskeard, North Bay, Owen Sound, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Smiths Falls, Tillsonburg, Timmins.

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Which Part Time Travel Point locations experienced hours of operation changes?

The Kemptville, Sundridge, and Westport travel points are permanently closed. The Carleton Place Travel Point will increase operations to every Wednesday.

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Why were the hours of operation revised?

In order to improve the delivery of driver examination services and to better serve our customers, we assessed customer demand and timing of service delivery at all full-time and part-time DriveTest Centres across the province. Considering this assessment, the hours of operation at select DriveTest Centres were modified to better align with customer needs. In some cases, DriveTest Centres will be operating on a seasonal schedule while others have experienced a permanent change in operating hours.

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Who can I contact for more information regarding the hours of operation for DriveTest locations, services offered and general licensing details?

Customers can visit for a list of DriveTest Centres and their hours of operation.

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How will medicals deposited in the secure drop box be processed?

The medical drop box will be emptied daily by DriveTest staff. The medical will be reviewed and all acceptable medical reports will be entered onto the driver record the same day.

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What happens if the medical report cannot be graded?

If an incomplete or unacceptable medical is deposited, DriveTest staff will contact the customer using the number provided on the front of the medical report.

For incomplete medicals: The customer is required to return within 30 days to retrieve the medical and correct any necessary information. When the customer returns, they are provided a medical and contact information (direct phone number with voicemail or cell phone) to arrange a date and time for drop off.

If the customer cannot be contacted or does not return within 30 days from submission, the DriveTest Centre is required to submit the report to be reviewed by the Medical Review section of the Ministry of Transportation. The medical is not applied to the driver record until the review process has been completed, which may take between 5-8 weeks. A decision is made and sent to the driver by mail from the Ministry of Transportation.

DriveTest does not retain copies of any medical reports submitted. To obtain a duplicate copy speak to your physician, specialist or nurse practitioner who completed the form.

For unacceptable medicals: DriveTest will contact the customer to advise the medical report is being forwarded to the Medical Review section of the Ministry of Transportation. The medical is not applied to the driver record until the review process has been completed, which may take between 5-8 weeks. A decision is made and sent to the driver by mail from the Ministry of Transportation.

DriveTest does not retain copies of any medical reports submitted. To obtain a duplicate copy speak to your physician, specialist or nurse practitioner who completed the form.

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I am required to submit a medical report as part of my commercial licence requirement. Can I drop off or have someone drop off this report on my behalf?

Eligible users (including spouses, employers, etc.) can avoid the queue and deposit a medical report form in the secure medical drop box during regular business hours at these participating DriveTest Centres:

  • Barrie, Belleville, Brampton, Brantford, Burlington, Downsview, Etobicoke, Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, London, Metro East, Newmarket, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Ottawa Canotek, Ottawa Walkley, Peterborough, Port Union, St Catharines, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, and Windsor.

The medical drop box is located in the lobby along with a list of criteria which is clearly displayed above each dropbox.

Please note, we cannot provide drop-off service if a temporary driver’s licence is required, or if there are changes to the driver data (e.g. vision condition, height, address, etc.)

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Will all DriveTest Centres have a secure medical drop box?

No. The following offices will have a medical drop box available for customer use:

  • Barrie, Belleville, Brampton, Brantford, Burlington, Downsview, Etobicoke, Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, London, Metro East, Newmarket, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Ottawa Canotek, Ottawa Walkley, Peterborough, Port Union, St Catharines, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Windsor.

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Who is eligible to use the secure medical drop box?

The secure medical drop box can be used by controlled class licence holders who are required to submit a cyclical medical report based on their age. Eligible users must not require any data changes, downgrades, upgrades, or the issuance of a temporary driver’s licence. Eligible users may deposit their medical report form in the secure medical drop box during regular business hours at participating DriveTest Centres.

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Can I obtain and print a medical form for my commercial licence online?

Not at this time. However, your physician or employer may have copies. If in doubt, visit a DriveTestCentre to pick one up.

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Can my spouse hand in my medical for me?

Yes. Anyone can drop off a medical form. However, we cannot issue a temporary driver’s licence to a third-party.

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How will I know when my police record check has been cleared?

At this time, online status updates are not available. However, you can visit any DriveTest Centre or call 416-235-2999 to find out whether your criminal record search has cleared.

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Why do I need to pre-pay for my road test? I would rather to pay on the day of the test.

Your prepaid road test fee shows your commitment to follow-through on your appointment, reserves your timeslot, and ensures that the DriveTest Centre has a driver examiner available and ready to conduct your test.

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I cancelled my road test paid by credit card on the internet but my credit card was not credited; how do I get a refund for my test fee?

Please see the Cancellations and Refunds page for more information.

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I would like to pay for my road test fee with a certified cheque; who do I make the cheque payable to and where do I mail the cheque?

You can mail a certified cheque, bank draft, or money order made payable to Serco Canada Inc. Your cover letter must include your name, address, phone number, and driver’s licence number. Please do not mail cheques to part-time centres (travel points).

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Do you accept VISA Debit?

Unfortunately, no, we cannot accept a VISA debit.

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How do I obtain an international licence that will allow me to drive in other countries?

DriveTest Centres do not issue international driver’s permits (IDPs). Visit the website and/or contact the Canadian Automobile Association to apply for an IDP.

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For reciprocating jurisdictions, are probationary (learner/novice) drivers’ licences acceptable for an exchange?

Novice drivers’ licences cannot be exchanged; however, experience gained with that learner’s licence may be credited toward the mandatory wait period for the Class G2 road test.

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Which locations offer the option to book an appointment for a licence exchange or Travel Point service and when can I start booking?

The following DriveTest locations will offer the appointment booking option:

Downsview and Oakville: February 9, 2024
Brampton, Etobicoke, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Mississauga, Metro East, Newmarket, Orangeville, Oshawa, Ottawa Walkley, Port Union, and Windsor: April 12, 2024
Collingwood and Elliot Lake Travel Points: May 31, 2024
Note: Appointments for all transactions may be booked at these travel point locations. Effective July 2, 2024, service is available by appointment only at the Collingwood Travel Point.

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How do I book an appointment to exchange my driver’s licence or obtain Travel Point service?

To book an appointment to exchange an out-of-province or out-of-country driver’s licence, or to obtain Travel Point service, please visit the DriveTest website at for licence exchanges or for Travel Point service, or call 1-888-570-6110 and speak with a live agent.

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What do I need to exchange my licence?

You will be required to bring a number of documents. For details on required documents and eligibility for license exchanges, please visit the DriveTest website.

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Which services can I book an appointment for at a DriveTest Centre ?

Appointments at DriveTest Centres are for exchanging out-of-province and out-of-country licences only.

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Which services can I book an appointment for at a Travel Point?

Starting on May 31, 2024, customers can book appointments for all transactions at the Collingwood and Elliot Lake Travel Points, including:

  • • Applying for a driver’s licence, including knowledge testing
  • • Exchanging an out-of-province (including foreign) driver’s licence
  • • Renewing and upgrading a commercial driver’s licence
  • • Rewriting a knowledge test
  • • Submitting documents, such as medical reports, and
  • • Applying for a driving instructor’s licence.

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Will same day appointments be offered?

Yes. Same day appointments may be offered depending on availability.

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Is there a fee for booking a licence exchange or Travel Point service appointment?

No. There is no fee for booking a licence exchange or Travel Point service appointment.

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What name do I use when booking my appointment?

When booking an appointment, you must use the name as it appears on your identification. It’s important to note that if the names don’t match, your appointment will be cancelled, and you will need to reschedule or join the walk-in service queue to obtain a ticket. Please check the DriveTest website for a list of accepted identification.

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Can I book a licence exchange or Travel Point service appointment for someone else?

Yes, licence exchange or Travel Point service appointments can be booked for friends or family members, but the name used for the appointment should match the name of the individual that will be receiving the service.

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Can multiple people be added to a single appointment?

No. Only one person per appointment is allowed.

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I arrived at the DriveTest location for my scheduled licence exchange or Travel Point service appointment. What do I do next?

Upon arrival at the DriveTest Centre or Travel Point, you should wait in the designated waiting area. Please refer to your confirmation email for an image displaying the layout of the waiting area at the DriveTest location. At the scheduled appointment time, you will receive an SMS text advising you to report to Counter X for service.

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Do I need to show proof of my appointment?

No, proof of appointment is not required.

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I missed my scheduled appointment for a licence exchange or Travel Point service. What should I do?

Customers that arrive more than 15 minutes late for their appointment at:

  • • A DriveTest Centre – must schedule a new appointment. Service may be available on a standby basis but wait times may be extended and there is no guarantee of service.
  • • Elliot Lake Travel Point – must schedule a new appointment or join the walk-in queue if time permits. Please note that walk-in wait times may be extended.
  • • Collingwood Travel Point – must schedule a new appointment.

In all scenarios, we strongly encourage you to re-book an appointment. Same-day appointments may be offered depending on availability.

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I arrived at the Collingwood Travel Point, but I don’t have an appointment. What should I do?

Effective July 2, 2024, all services at the Collingwood Travel Point will be available by appointment only. To obtain Travel Point service, you must book an appointment by:

  • • scanning the QR code available at the Collingwood Travel Point,
  • • visiting the DriveTest website or,
  • • calling 1-888-570-6110 and speaking with a live agent.

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Does the Collingwood Travel Point offer walk-in service?

Effective July 2, 2024, all driver licensing services at the Collingwood Travel Point will be available by appointment only. Same-day appointments may be offered depending on availability.

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Does the Elliot Lake Travel Point offer walk-in service?

Yes. The Elliot Lake Travel Point offers walk-in service if time permits. Please note that walk-in wait times may be extended. We strongly encourage customers to book an appointment. Same-day appointments may be offered depending on availability.

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How do I cancel my existing appointment for a licence exchange or Travel Point service and then rebook?

Customers receive a confirmation of their appointment by text or email. To view, reschedule, or cancel an appointment, the customer should select the appropriate link in the text message or email to be redirected to the WaitWell website. The appointment will be displayed along with the ability to reschedule (same location) or cancel the booking.

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I failed my knowledge test. Do I need to book an appointment to rewrite?

No. Customers who are rewriting the same day do not require another appointment. Customers who are rewriting on a different day are required to book a new appointment.

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How can I get my suspended licence re-instated?

Please visit the ServiceOntario website for more information.

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I will be out of the country when my driver’s licence expires. How do I renew my licence?

Please visit the ServiceOntario website for details.

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Will I be able to take a road test if I am under suspension?

No, you cannot take a road test when your licence is under suspension.

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I have a Class M2 license that expires over the winter. Can I get an extension until motorcycle season starts in the spring?

Class M2 licences are valid for five years so that you have ample time to take your Class M road test. Extensions are available to eligible applicants for a maximum of 42 days, but you must book your road test before your licence expires to be eligible for an extension. Visit a DriveTest Centre for details.

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Which DriveTest Centres are open on Saturdays?

Centers that are open on Saturdays include Brampton, Etobicoke, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Metro East, Mississauga, Newmarket, Oakville, Orangeville, Ottawa Walkley, Port Union, and Windsor. See Find a DriveTestCentre for details.

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How do I apply for an Enhanced Driver's Licence?

As of June 2019, the Enhanced Driver’s Licence (EDL) is no longer offered.  See the MTO website for details.

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What is the benefit to using this form during my next visit?

The information contained on the completed application form is used to input required data during your transaction. With the data pre-populated your transaction can be processed more accurately and efficiently.

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How do I access and complete a form online?

To complete a form online, visit the forms library and follow the instructions listed here. Print your completed application form and bring it with you when you visit a DriveTest Centre to complete the transaction.

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How do I know which sections of the form to fill in?

The DriveTest website provides detailed instructions on how to complete the form. The full instructions are available here.

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Can I complete this form in advance for all transaction types? E.g. Licence upgrade, data licensing changes, licence renewals, etc.

No. Customers may complete an application form online in advance for the following transactions only: New Driver, Out of Province Driver (Licence Exchanges), and Out of Country Non-Reciprocal Driver (Foreign Licence Applications).

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My form contains my personal information, what do you do with it once my transaction has been completed?

The Customer Service Agent will securely shred the completed form unless you request it be returned to you. If you could like the form returned to you, please request it prior to the completion of your transaction. Once the form is securely disposed of it cannot be returned to you.

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Which browser versions are acceptable on

For the best user experience, ensure you are using an up-to-date browser. Click here for more details.

The DriveTest online road test booking system is designed to support the Chrome, Internet Explorer (IE), Safari, and Firefox browsers released in the last two years. IE 10 (and older versions of IE), for example, is not compatible with the online road test booking system for security reasons.

If you are using an older browser, you may want to upgrade it to the latest version, try another browser, or contact us by phone (1-888-570-6110 or 647-776-0331) or email to book your appointment. You can also visit one of our DriveTest Centres for help.

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How can I obtain a driver history/abstract for my Ontario driver’s licence?

DriveTest Centres do not issue driver’s abstracts. You can order a driver’s abstract online from ServiceOntario. Please see the ServiceOntario website for details.

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My Ontario driver's licence was damaged, lost, or stolen. How do I obtain a replacement licence?

DriveTest Centres cannot replace driver’s licence cards. You can replace a lost, stolen, or damaged licence at a ServiceOntario office. You must bring acceptable ID that includes your name and date of birth. See the ServiceOntario website for details.

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Do I need an appointment for a verbal knowledge test?

Verbal knowledge tests are conducted at all DriveTest Centres by appointment only. If you require a translator or interpreter must meet the criteria outlined under Qualifications of Interpreters and Translators.

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Where can I get sample questions for my knowledge test?

Sample test questions are available in select online driver’s handbooks:

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I cancelled my road test in error, can I have the same time and date of my original?

No, all road test cancellations are final. You will have to select a new date and/or time for your road test.

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Can I call the Call Centre or go to a DriveTest Centre to get back my original road test appointment that I cancelled in error?

No, all cancelled appointments are temporarily removed from all booking channels (online, telephone, call centre, and in person at DriveTest). You will have to select a new date and/or time for your road test.

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I need to switch another applicant/student for a road test, can I do this?

No, Driving schools/instructors who book appointments under one driver’s licence number and then re-book the appointment for another driver will no longer be able to do so.

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Can I call the Call Centre or go to a DriveTest Centre to switch my students for the tests I booked?

No, Driving schools/instructors who book appointments under one driver’s licence number and then re-book the appointment for another driver will no longer be able to do so. This change applies to all booking channels (online, telephone, call centre, and in person at DriveTest).

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My licence expires soon. Can I get an extension to take my test?

Yes, extensions are available to eligible applicants for a maximum of 42 days. You must book your road test before your licence expires to be eligible for an extension. Please note that the extension is valid only up until the day of your road test. If you have an extension and are unsuccessful with your road test, you cannot book another road test without meeting other requirements (e.g., completing another knowledge test). Visit a DriveTest Centre for details.

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Why is there “offsite testing” for commercial vehicles? How do I find out which DriveTest Centres have offsite testing and where that offsite testing takes place?

DriveTest Centre locations are carefully selected and approved by MTO to meet forecasted customer demand. Some facilities and surrounding areas are ideal for meeting the needs of drivers of passenger vehicles (Class G and M) but do not completely meet the needs of commercial road test applicants. In these cases, nearby offsite testing locations are evaluated and selected to allow adequate room and sufficient road test routes for larger commercial vehicles.

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My driver instructor has cancelled my road test appointment without my permission. What can I do to stop this?

The only way to prevent this from happening is to keep your driver’s licence number from your driving instructor. MTO-approved driving schools must meet the standards outlined on the MTO website. If you suspect unfair business practices, or if the school is not following through on its contractual obligations to you, feel free to contact the Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services at 416-326-8800.

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What kind of vehicle can I use for my A or D road test?

The driver’s handbooks include descriptions and illustrations of vehicle classes. Visit the MTO website to view the driver’s handbook description.

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Can I use a vehicle with a rear camera for my road test?

Yes, you can use a vehicle with a rear camera. However, you cannot use the rear camera to assist you during your road test.

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When does motorcycle season begin and end? When can I do my motorcycle road test?

At DriveTest, motorcycle season extends from approximately mid-May to mid-October. Exact dates vary from year to year depending on weather conditions and how the dates fall on the calendar. Watch the News page on this website for exact dates, or visit a DriveTest Centre in April for more information.

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