The air brake practical test is completed in a parking lot and takes approximately 30 minutes.
There are two versions of the practical test, depending on the class of licence you already hold and are pursuing. If you are attempting the Class AZ, you will complete testing which includes the trailer air brake system. For all other classes, your test will not include the trailer air brake system.
If you completed an MTO-approved air brake endorsement course, you must visit a DriveTest Centre within six months of completion to add the Z endorsement to your licence.
Drivers completing a practical air brake test (Z endorsement) must bring the following items:
- Wheel chocks or blocks.
- A stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.
- Awareness of the size and type of all brake chambers on the vehicle in which they are being tested.
- A means of holding the brake pedal in the applied position.
- A means of marking the pushrod and measuring pushrod stroke (does not apply to motor coaches).
- Protective headgear and eyewear (optional).
- A chart of brake-adjustment limits (optional).
See the Official MTO Handbook for more information.
If you are unsuccessful in completing the Air Brake practical test, you will be unable to proceed with your commercial road test.
Commercial Road Tests (Classes A, B, C, D, E, and F)
Effective July 1, 2017, the knowledge and road tests for all commercial class licences (Class A, B, C, D, E, and F) were updated to ensure that applicants demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to safely operate a commercial vehicle. To prepare for these tests, please refer to the Official MTO Handbook online or a hard copy version with a publication date of January 2017 or later.
As part of your commercial class road test, you will be required to complete the following tests:
Daily Vehicle Inspection
You are encouraged to refer to the schedule for your vehicle as necessary during the daily vehicle inspection component of the test:
- You will be required to inspect six randomly generated items from the schedule, demonstrate and describe how each item should be inspected, explain any potential defect(s) and describe what actions you would take upon identifying the defect.
- There will also be an in-cab check portion of the test where you must point to or touch all items, as listed in the Official MTO Handbook, and demonstrate and describe how each item should be inspected.
- For the in-cab portion, you will not be required to explain any potential defect(s) or describe what action you would take upon identifying a minor/major defect.
Uncoupling and Coupling (for Class A only):
- You will be required to demonstrate your ability to safely uncouple and couple a truck/tractor and trailer. Refer to the Official MTO Handbook for further details.
On-road Driving:
- You will be expected to drive in a variety of traffic situations including; left and right turns, intersections, lane changes, curves, expressway driving, and a roadside stop/start.
- At all times during the test, you must obey all traffic signs, signals, and laws, drive in a safe and responsible manner, and wear your safety belt.
- You will be required to perform one backing maneuver during the test, either a 90-degree alley dock (driver’s side), an offset left, or offset right.
The examiner must exercise care to prevent injury to you, other motorists, pedestrians, or themselves. If it becomes obvious at any time during the road test that you lack the necessary skills to operate a motor vehicle, your test will be terminated. You will immediately be disqualified and lose your prepaid road test fee.