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Validate Driver Email

Provide your email address before booking.

Complete this form to book your road test online, receive email notifications about your test(s), and return any time to review your booking details. Please note:
Once you enter your information and “Submit” you will have 45 minutes to complete your road test booking transaction (schedule, modify or cancel) and a maximum of 5 minutes to process your payment (if required).
Please have your payment card and printer ready to complete your order.

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Notice of Collection

Personal information is collected by Serco Canada Inc. Driver Examination Services (DriveTest) on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation for Ontario (MTO) under the authority of section 205 of the Highway Traffic Act. The information is used for the administration of MTO’s driver, vehicle, and carrier programs. The personal information that you provide to Serco Canada Inc. to enable us to respond to your inquiry or book your road test will be used only for that intended purpose, except as may be authorized by law. Your information will not be included on any mailing lists. The authority for obtaining this information from you complies with section 38(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Please note that, if you refuse to provide the required information, you may experience difficulties in having your request fulfilled, as some details are mandatory (e.g., driver’s licence and expiry date to obtain a road test booking appointment). With appropriate documentation, you can update personal information through Service Ontario. If you require further information or have any questions regarding privacy and your personal information, please consult the Serco Canada Inc. Privacy Policy or contact the Serco Canada Inc. Privacy and Security Director, in writing, at Downsview Park, 37 Carl Hall Rd, Toronto, ON M3K 2E2 or by email at customer comments (at) drivetest (dot) ca